Spring 2025
Math 3250 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
- Section 100: TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am, Ridley Hall G006
- Section 200: TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm, New Cabell Hall 323
Fall 2024
Math 7810 (Algebraic Topology II)
- MoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50am, New Cabell Hall 038
A course on cohomology theory, covering basic constructions, cup products, and Poincare duality, followed by a brief tour of classical homotopy theory.
Spring 2024
Math 3351 (Elementary Linear Algebra)
- Section 001: MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm, Monroe Hall 122, [Canvas page]
- Section 002: MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm, Monroe Hall 122, [Canvas page]
An introduction to systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, vector spaces, and inner products with an emphasis on mathematical proofs.
Fall 2023
Math 4720 (Introduction to Differential Geometry)
- MoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50am, Monroe Hall 118, [Canvas page]
An introduction to the theory of curvature of curves and surfaces in Euclidean space, culminating in the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem.